
March 9, 2012

#WOTD: I want to live...not merely exist

Exist, existir, esistere, exister.

"I hate reality shows. I don't want to exist in someone else's made up reality." - Yolanda

As you can guess I'm not a fan of scripted television.  In the beginning shows like Survivor - real competition was enjoyable.  However, reality shows have taken reality way over the top.  So much so that many people can't distinguish reality from real life. 

When I hear people talking about these shows (as if they know these people personally),  I'm stunned to think that a sane, intelligent human being wants to believe that another human being is often that baseless.

One reason reality shows exist is because they often give life to people who have simply stopped believing in their own lives.  Mark Twain once said (and he really could be talking about life and reality shows today),  "Don't part with your illusions (your own dreams). When they are gone, you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."

That's what 'reality' televison does.  It takes your dreams away and allows you to exist in the illusion of someone else's made up life.  While you are talking about, dressing like, acting like and gossiping about what's going on with the 'Housewives, Basketball wives, etc...' you are no longer focused on what's going on in your own life. 

Today, know this to be true; Anger, anxiety, fear, and stress don't really exist.  They exist and are made manifest in the illusions of the lives we are trying to create.  Often those lives are the one's we see in the physical world of 'reality' that we believe are better, more glamourous or more important than our own. 

This weekend experience life!

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