
March 14, 2012

Prune around them edges

#WOTD:  Prune around them edges

Prune, tailler, podar, potare.
"Prune - prune businesses, products, activities, people. Do it annually." - Donald Rumsfeld

As I sat and watched the gardener and his staff begin the annual ritual of getting the grass and the rosebushes just right, I heard an old familiar phrase.  One my dad would shout out to us as we helped out in the yard as kids growing up.

"Prune around them edges!" he would shout out.  Meaning, to remove or cut out the dead grass or vegetation from around the flower bed, so we could once again enjoy the beauty of springs great miracles.

There are times in our lives as we get closer to the miracle God has planned for us, it occurs to us that He has chosen to prune us. 

Snip snip went the garden shears as branches were pruned to allow for new growth.  Those branches were a part of the rosebushes past not its future. 

Like the rosebush, we all have a past.  Past mistakes, past failures, past losses, past tears and past fears.  And along with that we have God (the gardener), other people (the dead branches), and ourselves (the rosebush) to remind us of the mistakes we have made. 

Yet, the gardener takes those branches and prunes and cast them into the furnace.  But, He doesn't say we don't have to be responsible for the branches dying, because we are.   

He also says that we must take and now make the rosebush (our life) as beautiful as possible. 

Today, know this to be true;  We are in the hands of a Master Gardener who has been pruning lives for thousands of generations.  Allow him to prune and remove what is undesirable from your life...and grow into the person you have been called to be.

Happy Wednesday!

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