
March 20, 2012

Hello Beautiful

#WOTD: Hello Beautiful

Beautiful, bello, beau, hermoso.

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I love poetry.  But I love poetry most of all in the Spring time.  Poetry reflects the beauty of spring.  It inspires us like a lake bubbling briskly over rocks on a warm spring morning.

And beautiful spring days remind me of love.  Love had, love lost, love found.  Beautiful crisp mornings with a hint of what the day will bring.  Colors in beautiful bloom. 

I'm always fascinated at how the Creator uses spring to renew and refresh.  And what He does for nature.  He does for us.  The beauty of spring...the beauty of our lives. 

On this first day of Spring I'm already thinking about what closets need to be cleaned, throwing open the shutters and letting in the sunshine, and removing the heavy quilts of winter from the bed and replacing them with crisp white linen sheets.

But, I'm doing something else as well.  Spring cleaning my heart and my soul.  Allowing the bulbs planted during winter to brust through and bring joy, hope and happiness this season again into my life.  I like how Helen Keller said it best, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."

Today, know this to be true; On this first day of Spring you can do as the Creator intended like nature and open up your heart and soul to life, love and joy...or you can hold onto old man winter and all the problems it brought with it.  

Hello Beautiful
Have a Terrific Tuesday!

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