
March 3, 2012

#WOTD: Pursue with purpose

Pursue, poursuivre, perseguire, perseguir.

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

The other day I was watching my youngest granddaughter pursue with purpose the skillful art of walking and running.  At only fourteen months she had one overall purpose in her heart. 

To keep up with her big sister who is four. 

As she stood up, fell down, stood up, fell down again, I watched this process over and over until, steady on her feet, she called out and reached for Addi.  And together they took those tentative steps that led to a wobbly walk and laughter. 

Today she's still a bit unsteady but she realized that if she continued to pursue her purpose...with the help of someone who loved her, she would accomplish her goal.

Like my granddaughter, find something that you're really interested in doing in your life.  Pursue it, set goals, and commit yourself to excellence.  Then surround yourself with those who love you and, do the best you can.

Today, know this to be true; Our success and happiness in life is not a 'by product...we can't do it 'by' ourself. 

Have a great weekend! 

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