
February 26, 2012

#WOTD: I pray for increase

Increase, aumentar, aumentare, augmenter.

"Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness." - Mother Teresa

I remember one of the songs we would always sing in church..."I pray for increase."  While I liked the song I always understood that increase in the sense that the Creator meant was far more than being about material things or money. 

I pray for increase in faith.  I pray for increase in my ability to love those who hate me.  I pray for increase in good health for my family.  I pray for increase for the spirit of mankind to live in peace, joy and harmony. 

Often when we are facing tough times we immediately look for the Creator to increase our material abundance and stop the lack in our life.  Yet, physical and material lack is simply a manifestation of what is going on inside of us. 

We are what we think on.

Today, know this to be true, when you pray for increase in faith, in joy, in love, your words as Mother Teresa said, will increase your light and the world around you will reflect that world within you. 

Have a superb Sabbath

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