
February 25, 2012

#WOTD: Calculated Choice

Choice, choix, scelta, elección.

"I'm a Christian by choice." - Barack Obama

As I listen to the political want to be's campaigning for the Republican nod...who challenge Barack Obama's belief and faith, I remember when he said, "I'm a Christian by choice." 

Choice is something we all have and something God uses on a daily basis and has since the beginning of time.

When Eve ate the apple that was no surprise to God.  He operates on calculated choices.  When the children of Israel left Egypt that was a calculated choice from God to deliver them from bondage in an event so great they would remember the story for all generations.

When he nailed Jesus to the cross that again was a calculated choice.  Great life events like the death, burial and ressurection of Christ, are always preceded by calculated choices. 

Today, know this to be true the Creator has a master plan that is based on calculated choices that are carried out in our lives. We all know we have the power to choose based on those calculated choices.  But also know this - we have no power to escape the necessity to make those choices.  For to do nothing is also one of those choices.

Enjoy the week's end!

And don't forget we're moving!  LOL - Living Out Loud 

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