
April 26, 2012

Discipline Yourself

  Discipline, disciplina.

"Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion." - Jim Rohn

I like this saying by Jim Rohn.  It reminds me of all the mantras I have quoted along the journey of life without seeing nary a change in me or in my life.  This is, not until I understood the purpose I had been given in this life.

I believe in positive psychology and in affirmations.  Words are the greatest mystery that God has ever given us.  What other animal can talk?  None.  In the beginning was the Word.  And that word was about creating life.  It was, 'let us make light', 'let us make man in our own image' and so on.   

If you think about it, those words were all positive.  And they were something else, they were done with discipline.  They were spoken with discipline that created life.

Discipline is upholding and continuing a consistent and well-ordered life through positve thought, words and actions, regardless of how we feel. 

Yes, trouble will come.  Yet, in the midst of it all, if you know and understand that you can remain consistent and disciplined, life carries you through whatever that circumstance is. 

Today, know this to be true; Strive for order and discipline in life, it breeds habits - which will keep you in the worst of times.  But relish the chaos and valleys, for with your disciplined habits, those are the times that will breed new life.

Have a beautiful Thursday!

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