
April 27, 2012

Decide today to decide today!

#WOTD  Decide today to decide today!

Decisive, décisif,decisivo.

"The cure for most obstacles...Be decisive." - Yolanda

One of my pet peeves is 'wishy washy' people.  You know someone who stands in agreement with you on something today, but tomorrow will tell you they've talked to so and so and they think they will take a different stand.

Personally that's why I dislike most politicians.  Many if not most never stand on their own personal platforms, but always seem to have a foot on someone else's, just in case that other person is offering them, "a deal they can't refuse."

Being decisive really is the cure for most obstacles we face in life.  Being decisive is being focused.  Christ said blessed are the meek.  And while most people will take that word meek to mean without's really the opposite. 

It means being focused and decisive.  Did you know its the word that is used to define a domesticated stallion.  No way in the world is a stallion weak and without strength.  It means the horse is trained, focused and decisive.  That's how it wins races.

We are admonished, "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God is."

Being decisive is having strength and focused direction.   It means having your own mind and sometimes not following the crowd.  But, the most decisive actions of our lives are most often the most unconsidered actions...because we are looking out and not within.
Today, know this to be true; being decisive is sticking to right and just decisions.  Blessed are those who know what on earth they are here on earth for and are about doing that and have quit applying for God's and other people's jobs.

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